Tauchwellen-Tomographie für Stripping Korrekturen und geologische Interpretationen bei den reflexionsseismischen KTB-Profilen im Schwarzwald. Master Thesis (Diplomarbeit), University of Karlsruhe, Geophysical Institute. („Diving wave tomography for static corrections and geologic interpretations at the KTB 2D seismic survey line in the Black Forest“).
Near-vertical and wide-angle seismic surveys in the Black Forest, SW Germany. J. Geophys., 62: 1-30.
Near-vertical and wide-angle seismic surveys in the Schwarzwald. In R. Emmermann and J. Wohlenberg, editors, The German Continental Deeo Drilling Program (KTB), p. 297-362. Springer Verlag.
Oberpfalz deep seismic reflection survey and velocity studies. In R. Emmermann and J. Wohlenberg, editors, The German Continental Deeo DrillingProgram (KTB), p. 99-149. Springer Verlag.
Seismische Untersuchungen an der KTB-Lokation. KTB Report 89/1, DEKORP Report, p. 169-210.
Inversion of first-break traveltime data of deep seismic reflection profiles. Geophysical Prospecting, 38, 3, 247-266.
Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen der Diffraktions-tomographie in der Geophysik. Doctoral Thesis (Dissertation), University of Karlsruhe, Geophysical Institute. (“Theoretical foundations and practical application of diffraction tomography in geophysics”).
Evalution and interpretation of VSP-measurements in the KTB-Oberpfalz pilot borehole. Scientific Drilling, 3, 89-99.
Migration of steeply dipping reflectors at the KTB site: Depth errors caused by inaccurate velocity models. KTB Report 92-5, DEKORP Report, 333-341.
Detection of permeable fracture zones by tube waves in the KTB pilot hole. KTB Report 92-5, DEKORP Report, 309-332.
Average and interval velocities derived from first breaks of vertical seismic profiles at the KTB pilot hole. KTB Report 92-5, DEKORP Report, 201-219.
Fourier finite-difference migration. Geophysics, 59, 12, 1882-1893.
Determination of shallow refractor properties by 3D-CMP refraction seismic techniques. First Break, 13, 2, 69-77.
Fourier finite-difference migration for steeply dipping reflectors with complex overburden. Geophysical Prospecting, 43, 7, 919-938.
Frequency-space domain diffraction tomography in practical applications. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 5, 141-156.
Finite-difference migration derived from the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz integral (Short Note), Geophysics, 61, 5, 1394-1399.
3-D implicit finite-difference migration by multiway splitting. Geophysics, 62, 2, 554-567.
Optimized operators for 3-D Fourier Finite-Difference migration. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 6, 4, 367-383.
Migration of the 3-D deep-seismic reflection survey at the KTB location, Oberpfalz, Germany. Tectonophysics 271, p 135-156.
Multi-attribute Bayesian risk modification –a case study from the Norwegian Barents Sea. First Break, 35, 1, 51-58.
Thomas is owner and chief geophysicist of Amisia GeoConsultants. He studied geophysics at Karlsruhe University in Germany, where he also made his doctoral thesis (Ph.D.). From 1987-1997, Thomas worked in academia, mainly on reflection seismic inversion and migration algorithms. Since 1997, he works in the oil and gas industry at various companies. His field of expertise is seismic reservoir characterization (SRC) or Quantitative Interpretation (QI). At Amisia GeoConsultants, Thomas is responsible for all geophysical SRC projects and topics.
... is a privately-owned, independent, geophysical consultancy company. We offer services mainly in the domain of Seismic Reservoir Characterization (SRC) or Quantitative Interpretation (QI).
Our customers are companies of the oil and gas E&P industry as well as geothermal energy companies. If your challenge is to confirm the presence of a hydrocarbons or geothermal reservoir, to assess and risk a lead or prospect with respect to porosity, permeability, pore fluid content or fractures, we are able to assist you.
We like to help you with solutions to individual, non-standard problems, which larger consulting companies would struggle with. You need a second, independent opinion about the reliability of a seismic analysis or study? We can do a thorough evaluation of the quality of this analysis or study and give recommendations how to deal with it.
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D-21465 Reinbek